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Consent Form

In the case that contestant is a minor (under 18 years of age) at the date of submission, their parent or legal guardian, grant and adding to Nevada Center for Humanity (NCH), and its affiliates of the Upstander Writing Scholarship Contest and other affiliates providing awards and scholarships presented by NCH, the unconditional, irrevocable and perpetual right to use, and whole or in part, to copy, publish, promote, display, perform, and exhibit contest submission and exhibit contest submissions as well use to, its website and other materials, as it pertains to NCH's mission, and in connection with standard activity of its mission: to educate and promote awareness of our common humanity, of rescue an Upstander activity throughout history, with a lens toward future rescuers in our midst.
Further, the contestant hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless NCH and its affiliates, from any claims, damages, expenses, attorney's fees, cost, and liabilities, brought or asserted by any third-party against the released parties, due to or arising out of such participants entry, award, or marketing activity as illustrated above or other. 
Awards, gifts, and scholarships received, shall soley be used for educational purposes. Only award recipients are required to provide name, address, date of birth and SSN for federal tax purposes.

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Nevada Center for Humanity is a 501(c)(3) public charity

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